Frocks on Bikes Policy

We typically support the policy stance of the excellent cycle advocacy organisation the Cycle Advocates’ Network (and its local branches such as CAA and CAW).  However where we feel we need to have a particular view, or someone has sought Frocks’ opinion, you’ll find it here.

Road code and cycling

Frocks On Bikes’ philosophy to sharing urban space is encapsulated beautifully in The Friendly Cyclist

We promote safe and legal behaviour on the road by all road users, and help cyclists through our Road Rights and Responsibilities services.

New Zealand is improving its urban infrastructure to accommodate the increasing diversity in Kiwis’ transport choices.  It will get safer and easier to ride, we urge everyone to do as you would be done by.

National Cycleways

New Zealand should invest in cycle infrastructure as part of a broader push to get more Kiwis riding everyday – this will deliver New Zealand the biggest benefits.  Where an inter-city cycleway would be most effective, let’s invest in that. More often, other things will be more effective.


Helmets are the law, and no-one wants a fine.  A helmet will also protect a brain under certain crash conditions while being much less effective under other conditions.

But helmet use must be part of a broader picture of how Kiwis can get from A to B, and how they should be able to.

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