How we roll

Structure & governance

The Frocks “Mothership” in Wellington is guardian of the Frocks On Bikes kaupapa, and supports new “flocks” springing up around the country.  Each flock runs events and provides services tailored to local people’s taste, aligned with the Frocks On Bikes kaupapa.

Frocks On Bikes is a not-for-profit charitable trust with no membership obligations or fees, powered by volunteers.

Funding and Advocacy

Frocks On Bikes’ national body and the individual flocks all receive public good and philanthropic funding from organisations and individual Kiwis, to provide free or minimally charged events and services.

Our focus is getting more women cycling in everyday life, as a means to all the great benefits.  We collaborate regularly with other organisations, who often have a more focussed target audience, where this collaboration helps mainstream everyday cycling.

Frocks On Bikes is generally apolitical.  This means we support initiatives that make it easier, safer, more convenient and more fun to cycle in everyday life, wherever they hail from across the political spectrum.  We choose our collaboration partners carefully, and there’s a wide range of them.

Frocks believes in “show, not tell” to change people’s attitudes: being seen on the roads riding bikes in everyday life and dressed like “regular” people is steadily mainstreaming and normalising cycling as transport.

Telling our story

Frocks gets a lot of invitations to talk about the Aotearoa-New Zealand story of women’s urban cycling.  Internationally, the top gig is Velo-City – the premier urban cycling conference – and we fundraise to get there!

Members of the Frocks mothership have represented at two Velo-City conferences so far:


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