Spring has Sprung! (Updated Melbourne events)

Daylight is saved!

The frocks are getting lighter by the day!

After the long winter of our cold and rainy discontent and only sporadic event-organising, we’re back, and ready to leap into a bit of spring piggy-backing-off-other-people’s-brilliant-initiatives.

To wit:

1. Ausbike Expo 2012

Ausbike is on this Saturday (13th October) at the Exhibition Buildings and have invited us to put in a frocked-up appearance.

We did a spot of background googling, and imagine it will look a bit like this pic of a similar event in the same location…

Come and meet at the rotunda at Edinburgh Gardens at 11am, and pootle on down to Carlton. Roll Up Valet Bicycle Parking will take care of our steeds while we go and stroll amidst the assembled bike-related exhibitors, possibly spending more time at the cyclette.com.au and cyclestyle.com.au stands than at aussiebuttcream.com, but up to you.

There are Prizes To Be Won: www.ausbike.com.au/page/competitions-2012

We even have some free tickets for frocked-up ladies. Turn up alone or with a friend – all welcome.

Check it out: ausbike.com.au

Our FB event page: www.facebook.com/events/282140535236340/

2. Ride2Work Day

It’s Ride2Work Day on Wednesday October 17th, so we’ll be joining all the other cycling Melburnians cruising the city in the spirit of active commuting and free community breakfasts. We’ll be getting ours at Edinburgh Gardens from 8am (as will cyclestyle.com.au) – register (for free) at ride2work.com.au and come and join us, or search their list of community breakfasts for one that suits your location better. Free breakfast, fabulous prizes, frocked-up ladies – what more could you want?

Our FB event page: www.facebook.com/events/248585015263779/


There are plenty of other delightful things on at the moment as well – for example join the Squeaky Wheel for cycling and art and cocktails on Sunday: www.facebook.com/events/380897698647662/ or cycling and art and scavenger hunting on the 20th: www.facebook.com/events/142342972575657/

Hope to see you out and about soon,

Frockingly yours,


Frocks on Bikes do AusBike 2012 (Melbourne)

Ausbike is on this Saturday at the Exhibition Buildings and have invited us to put in a frocked-up appearance.
We did a spot of background googling, and imagine it will look a bit like the event pic that we pinched from museumvictoria.com.au for a similar event in the same location.
Come and meet at the rotunda at Edinburgh Gardens at 11am, and pootle on down to Carlton. Roll Up Valet Bicycle Parking will take care of our steeds while we go and stroll amidst the assembled bike-related exhibitors, possibly spending more time at the cyclette.com.au and cyclestyle.com.au stands than at aussiebuttcream.com, but up to you.
We even have some free tickets for frocked-up ladies.
Check it out: ausbike.com.au

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/282140535236340/

13 May Frocks on Bikes Go Out For Coffee (in honour of Cyclofemme)

We ride for many reasons. Some of us ride to HONOR THE PAST and the emancipation of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, for the freedom to choose and the chance to wear pants (Ed’s note: or not!). Some of us ride to CELEBRATE THE PRESENT and the riders who keep it rolling, bringing women’s racing to the forefront, pushing the limits, breaking down barriers and sharing the love of the bike with everyone along the way. Some of us ride to EMPOWER THE FUTURE of women in cycling and the opportunity for positive social change. Some of us just think it’s an AWFULLY CONVENIENT WAY TO GET BETWEEN COFFEES.

Whether all caps evokes women’s cycling activism or lots and lots and lots of caffeinated frothy milk for you, we’d love to have you along as we join our cycling sisters worldwide for our own Melbourne version of cyclofemme.com – a bicycle coffee crawl.

And as it’s Mothers’ Day, feel free to invite mum. The pace will be gentle, the ride will be not too long, and once she’s good and jittery, we’ll find an appropriate lunching venue with drinks of the kind to balance her out again.

Meet at the Edinburgh Gardens rotunda at 10am. BYO Keep Cup, in case numbers force us to get takeaways.

Event page is here: http://www.facebook.com/events/393513217347461/

Lots of frocked-up cycling love,
Jen, Sondra & Kate.