Frocks at Open Streets – next Sunday 12th April!

Open Streets Bike Gang Challenge – Frocks go Japanese
Konnichi wa!

Cycle  Action is teaming up with Auckland Transport’s Open Streets 2015 to bring you Auckland’s first bike gang competition. Frocks on Bikes are showing up in force to compete for the title (and all the glorious prizes) of Auckland’s best and biggest bicycle bunch!

Entry is easy – next Sunday 12th April, just meet up at Tokyo Bike dealer Blend Store in MacKelvie Street, Ponsonby from 11.30am or at St Kevins Arcade at 12.30pm for the group ride along to and down Grafton Gully and Beach Road to Quay Street. We’ll get registered at the CAA tent around 1pm and then enjoy some free sushi at the Frocks tent.

In conjunction with Japan Day events on at The Cloud on Queens Wharf, come with bike in your best Japanese cosplay. Be it a variation on a kimono and frilly socks + sandals, Shibuya chic or your favourite manga character, this is your event to dress in theme! 
Connect onto our Frocks go Japanese event page on facebook to keep up with the play and use as a forum for setting up a group ride there from the 4-winds of Auckland.

Anime high-fives
xx Frocks on Bikes Auckland

The latest from Frocks on Bikes (Aucks)

Well hello there Auckland Frockers

Hope you are all revelling in this delightful summer!  Bar today, may we all have many more glorious twilight and warm morning rides to come.  To celebrate freedom on two-wheels, we have some fun events coming up to keep you rolling in style.

First up though, it is with giggly excitement and many high-fives that one of our fellowFrock-stars has launched Auckland Bike Style blog.  It is a delightful snapshot into the lives of a variety of wheeled pedestrians out and about on our Auckland streets.  Very well done you! [curator prefers to be anonymous to let the style speak for itself, bless].  Check it out here

Upcoming events

Love Your Bike (Valentines Day Picnic) 
Saturday 14th February 3-5pm 



EcoFest is on the North Shore this year and to support sustainable transport to / from the North Shore in advance of (toes-crossed) SkyPath, we thought it would be fun to organise a ‘ladies who lunch and ride’ event to / in Milford. There are a few new eateries there to try, a shopping mecca if you like shoes and there is the added bonus of a swim so we’ll keep you posted on tides.
Date is Sunday 22 March (rain date 29 March). The plan is to ride onto the 11am downtown ferry to Devonport and pick up ladies on the way, then follow the quieter Sunday roads to Takapuna, then on a smidge to Milford.


And stay tuned for the following:

  • EcoDay to celebrate the end of EcoWest (separate from EcoFest) – if anyone is keen to host a stall or do something cycle-related in New Lynn, please get in touch.
  • Bike Rave! Post daylight savings at Easter when its dark, the bikes come out to play…

As always if you know of any exciting events or would like to organise one, drop us a line at or post on the FB page


Be fabulous and be seen

Frocks on Bikes – Auckland Flock

Summer Fling! (Auckland)

Summer Fling_04

For the ladies…

…a warm reminder and invitation to the Frocks on Bikes event Summer Fling this Wednesday 26th November! From 6-8pm at the award-winning redevelopment of Hurstmere Green in Takapuna, female cyclists (and potential ones) will have the opportunity to try a range of bikes including the effortlessly light and stylish tokyobikes from  Blend  and Flux electric bikes

Other fabulous treats to get your summer cycling groove on include:

We are also very excited to announce Allison Roe (former Boston and NYC marathon winner and now Devonport – Takapuna Local Board member whose is passionate about cycling for all), as our guest speaker!

And if that’s not enough, there is a free drink or two and yummy nibbles with many thanks to Auckland Transport to keep your energy up.

For those city-siders heading over to Takapuna and back, we are planning a couple of multi-modal pilgrimages with bikes via ferry to Bayswater and Devonport between 5-6pm, so check out the map attached and follow our new (for Auckland) Frocks on Bikes – Auckland facebook event page for updates.


Registration is essential so drop a quick line with your name and that of your friends also attending to to register (especially to secure your food and bev, or if you don’t have a bike and need to get over to the Shore and back).


Can’t wait to share a fun night with you on Wednesday.

Bring a shower jacket in case it sprinkles a bit 09-style.

Nic & Jess

SF Event Map_Digital Prepress



A bicycle ride with Janette Sadik-Khan

Nic Williams reporting on the success of the Frocks on Bikes Acukland ride with Janette Sadik-Khan.

Frocks on Bikes Auckland were thrilled when Janette Sadik-Khan agreed to come on a bicycle ride with us as part of her hectic four day schedule in Auckland.  Given the relatively low proportion of women on bikes generally in New Zealand, we wanted to introduce her to the amazing women working to make this city a great place to cycle, as well as hear her thoughts on how to improve our streets for all the people who use them.

A group of about 25 frockers set off from the Cloud on Queens Wharf with Janette on the Mayor’s borrowed electric bike. Janette is obviously a confident urban rider, however we

Frocks The Cloud 300x200 A bicycle ride with Janette Sadik Khan

thought an e-bike might help her enjoy Franklin Road a little more after recently arriving from NYC.  We were joined on the ride by Seth Solomonow, Janette’s colleague from the NYC Department of Transportation (where Janette was Commissioner until 2013) and a group of gentlemen frockers who politely kept their distance from the excited women riders.

Our route began from Queens Wharf where we were immediately met with the test of negotiating the western end of Quay Street to access the Viaduct. Given the difficulty of moving from far left to far right lanes to access the Viaduct, we opted for a safety first approach that meant carefully and respectfully sharing the space with the ‘promenaders’ along the wider northern footpath of Quay Street.

Frocks North Wharf 300x200 A bicycle ride with Janette Sadik Khan

Once across Te Wero bridge, we cruised effortlessly along North Wharf, crossing at right angles over the former rail tracks like a free-flowing Melbourne-shuffle. The activity in Wynyard Quarter and the vegetated progress of Daldy Street was a delight and crossing Fanshawe Street at the signalised intersection over to Victoria Park was relatively smooth. Zorbing and skaters abound in the Park and we cruised under the flyover, then those on electric bikes zoomed up Franklin Road, closely followed by the fixed and few speed velos. After a welcome breather at the Ponsonby Road ridgeline, we eagerly headed to our afternoon tea at Alleluya Café in St Kevin’s Arcade overlooking the beautiful Myers Park. A bonus for Janette was being able to drop by the Generation Zero office in St Kevin’s Arcade to see their campaign plans including a petition for protected cycle lanes on K’ Road

Frocks  Viaduct flypover 300x200 A bicycle ride with Janette Sadik Khan

Despite the Wellington style wind, we felt really proud on parts of the ride showing off Auckland – particularly through Wynyard Quarter and the newly opened section of Daldy Street. Whilst parts of the ride showed just how far we still have to go, Janette is very excited by the potential of what she has seen so far and really thinks we are at a tipping point for transformational change.

Fortunately for us we got Janette and Seth back to their hotel after a really enjoyable bike ride, with the majority of people along the way waving and smiling at a group of women having so much fun on their bikes. The more women out and about on two wheels, the safer your city. Women on bicycles are an “indicator species” for a healthy urban environment. The sight of women on bikes sends a message that cycling is fun and that roads are for sharing, which encourages even more people. In other words, there has been never been a better time to ride.

Later that night Janette tweeted:



Many thanks to Janette and Seth for their enthusiasm and inspiration. We loved “frocking” with you. A special thanks also to Susan Quinn from Auckland Conversations for making the arrangements with Janette for the ride, and big ups to Cycle Action Auckland and The K’rd Business Association for chipping in to get these stunning photos taken of the ride by Richard Leonard.


Ride with Janette Sadik-Khan – Saturday 24th May 2014

Frocks on Bikes is delighted to welcome to town New York’s transport revolutionary Janette Sadik-Khan, with a frockalicious bike tour along central Auckland’s scenic paths and shopping streets on Saturday 24th May.

2.30pm: Q&A at The Cloud, Queens Wharf, with Janette Sadik-Khan, Mayor Len Brown, Ludo Campbell-Reid and Frocks on Bikes members

3.00pm: Ride begins

Dress Code: Frocks or your normal, everyday clothes!

RSVP to: Nic Williams – or Ph 021 110 7148


New York City’s former Department of Transportation Commissioner worked miracles during her tenure under Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Her team transformed many of NYC’s ‘mean streets’ to increasingly friendly shared spaces with innovations such as a pedestrian mall in Times Square, and more than 480km of new bike lanes. Now, as Transportation Principal at Bloomberg Associates (alongside her former boss), she is inspiring other cities to create “complete streets” with space for everyone, whether they are on foot, on bike, in buses or cars, and Frocks on Bikes are thrilled to be able to share their experiences of cycling in Auckland with Sadik-Khan.

Frocks on Bikes, which began in Wellington in 2008 and now has 13 “frock flocks” across New Zealand and Australia, celebrates the casual chic and cheerful freedom of women on bicycles. “Our philosophy is you can ride however often you want, at whatever speed you like, in whatever you love to wear – yes, even a frock!” says Auckland Frocks on Bikes co-ordinator Nic Williams.

“The research is clear: the more women out and about on two wheelsthe safer your city for everyone. Women on bicycles are a “indicator species” for a healthy urban environment. The sight of women on bikes sends a message that cycling is fun and that roads are for sharing, which encourages even more people.”

Safety is not the only benefit. New York studies show that bike-friendly streets are great for retail and real estate: Manhattan’s 9th Ave retailers experienced sales increases of 49% after a protected bike lane went in. Potential bike lanes on Auckland’s shopping streets such as Karangahape and Ponsonby Roads are guaranteed to have the same positive retail impact. With baskets and panniers typical on the springy, upright commuter bikes we like to ride, Frockers are well-placed to shop, shop, shop.

And then there’s our health. European studies show that women (and men) who cycle for just 30 minutes a day sleep better, look healthier, think better, concentrate more, live longer, save more money and lower their risks of heart disease and cancer. The best part? Most of this research is based on studies of moderate cycling, the kind of cruisy, pleasant cycling that Frocks on Bikes loves best.

However, says Williams, yet more research concludes that to get more women out cycling, streets must be transformed into bike-friendly avenues. Frocks on Bikes are looking forward to rolling along some of central Auckland’s magnificent ridgeline roads with Janette Sadik-Khan, and hearing her thoughts on how our city can improve our streets for all the people who use them.

Auckland Council, who is hosting Sadik-Kahn will also have a video recording of her free talk on Monday 26th May (now at full capacity) – posted to the Auckland Conversations website.

Read more about Frocks on Bikes Auckland.

Sweethearts Ride and Picnic Tea (Auckland)


Sweethearts Ride and Picnic Tea

For those sweet on bicycles: come enjoy a leisurely ride around historic Devonport, then spread out on a picnic rug for afternoon tea at picturesque Cambria Reserve.

A perfect post-Valentine’s Day treat to share with someone special. Afternoon tea included.

Sunday 16th February, 1-3pm

Meet at Devonport Ferry Terminal, North Shore

Register essential via email


Sweethearts Ride and Picnic Tea

September 2012 events – Auckland

The Tweed Run

Tweed is so the thing for all our frockfabuloso peeps out there. It is sweeping the globe as the ‘must do’ cyclecentric event and is soooo ‘now’. What’s more, the Auckland tweed run starts with brunch … how can you resist.

The Auckland Tweed Run will be happening:
When: at 11 am Sunday 16th September 2012
Where: starting with brunch at T Whites Everyday Bikes (The 2nd Hand Bike Shop) with free scones, champagne etc,
the ride will then take a leisurely route through the Grey Lynn/ Ponsonby area with a stop for a trim cappi frappy latte coffee … in ponsonby, of course!

Check it out on Facebook:!/events/276553899125006/

Invitation to the Suffrage Day celebrations

Suffragettes famously rode the country on their bicycles in the 19th century petitioning for the right to vote. So it seems totally fitting that some of our fabulous flock of modern-day frockilicious trailblazers would be interested in this event:
The National Council of Women Auckland Branch have very kindly invited Frocks on bikes to join the Suffrage Day celebrations at the Auckland Suffrage Memorial in Khartoum Place (that’s just off Lorne Street in the Auckland CBD).

When: Wednesday the 19th of September 2012, 12.30pm, bring your bike along rain or shine
What: A range of speakers, entertainment, activities, bagpipes and camelias – wow that sounds good! you really can’t beat the combination of bagpipes and camelias. ALSO The fabulous mezzo-soprano Mary Newman-Pound will sing … gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

The Auckland frock bike

At the cycle friendly awards in 2010 Frocks on Bikes Auckland won not only the award for Best Cycling Promotion for Cycle Style 2010 but also an Avanti bike. Thanks to Avanti plus in Waitakere the  bike was tricked up with the essential assessories including a basket, bell and mud guards.  The Urban Bicycle Company donated beautiful Basil panniers to complete a perfect Frock bike.

Julie Fairey, member of the Puketapapa Local Board, shares her experience of becoming a frocker.

Julie and mayor

I’m quite sure she (or he) has had many names.  I call her Bertie, for no good reason that I can fathom.  She is the Frocks on Bikes Auckland Bike, and for the last six months or so I’ve pretended that she is mine.

Bertie didn’t get a name right up front.  To start with she was an it, just a bicycle, to me a reasonably mystical machine that I was a little bit scared of.  I fell off a lot, by which I mean I could tell I was about to fall off or that the bike was about to topple so I jumped.  Some bruises, some scratches, but no real injuries except that one time I bashed my ankle up a bit.  It was really after that, when I couldn’t cycle for a couple of weeks as the gash on my palm healed, that I realised I missed riding, I missed the bike and that bike was a she and she was Bertie.

How this started was that I was inspired, mostly by Richard Barter (Chair of the Puketapapa Local Board) and Pippa Coom.  It just looked like an easier way of life, an easier way to be; to cycle from A to B.  But I needed a bike, one that I could use to get around my local area, carry a fair bit of stuff, and not be too heavy because I’d likely need to push a fair bit up the hills.  Pippa offered me a lender bike to try it out and now I am hooked.

I knew how to ride a bicycle but had never been a regular cyclist, even as a child.  I have had brief flirtations with bicycles for a day or two in Hoi An and Munich.  It all looked fine on the flat, but I live almost at the top of a hill, in a quite hilly suburb (Mt Roskill) and my fitness and strength are poor.  Having Bertie to borrow gave me a chance to see if I could make it work, make it part of my life.

It took a while once I picked up the bike (in the boot of the stationwagon of course) to actually get on it, because first I had to brave rescuing my helmet from the part of the garage nearest the big spider webs and then wash any cobwebbyness off it.  After about two weeks I screwed up my courage and did it.  This was the first thing that was easier than I expected.

Then I sorted out a little route to cycle near my house, and that was the second thing that was easier than I expected.  I was quite exhilarated that what had seemed to me a very awful hill by car, bus and walking, was not so bad after all.  I nearly made it to the top!  Now I see that as quite a gentle slope really, but before Bertie it seemed intimidating and impossible.

Every day for about two weeks I went for a ride, slowly increasing how many kms I was doing, and how many hilly bits, until I could do 10 kms.  By then I’d worked out I wasn’t really interested in just going for a bike ride.  I needed to be transporting myself and my stuff to something I needed to go to.  So I decided that I needed a cupcake and cycled to Bluebells Cakery.  But after that I really needed to come up with actual places I really needed to go to.

I was fortunate that it was such a good, and long, summer.  I am also fortunate that I live in an area with a cycleway running through it, which I use as a sort of spine to get places; ride from my place to the cycleway on the southern side of SH20, cycle east or west as needed, then north or south off it as needed.  I love saying hello to people I pass although some seem quite bamboozled by it.  I love parking Bertie at the places I need to visit in my suburb; the library, the Local Board office, the community centre, the park, the shops, and, of course, Bluebells Cakery.

Since the weather got worse, and I’ve had some ill health, I haven’t been able to cycle so much and I miss it.  Bertie is there, nice and warm and dry, waiting.   I don’t feel guity anymore (I did for a while), now I feel hopeful that tomorrow might be suitable, or that next week I’ll be well enough, or that someone might give me the wet gear I need for my birthday.

One day I’ll be able to buy a bike of my own and Bertie will go on to someone else.  If that person is you, please be gentle with her.  She taught me a lot, helped me to gain some independence from cars and roads and driving through my neighbourhood without touching it, rather than feeling, hearing, smelling and seeing it up close as I do on a bike.  I hope Bertie, or another bicycle, will teach you all of that and more.  And if you already know, perhaps you can spread the lesson by sharing a spare bike of your acquaintance with someone else who needs to learn it.

Auckland Tweed Run

Auckland NZ’s homage to the international anachronistic Tweed Run phenomena of dressing up in old fashioned clothes and riding a bicycle.

It’s free and all are welcome- just find some tweed, bring a picnic and come on a bike!

T. Whites Bikes to Highwic House- Sunday 7th April 2013.
12pm onwards, meeting at T.Whites Everyday Bikes, 132 Symonds St.

This time round we are collaborating with Highwic House by riding our bikes to their Art Deco Day Out picnic.


It is up to attendees to bring their own helmets and safety gear and be responsible for themselves in the traffic.

For more info about Auckland Tweed Runs, go to:

or for the Art Deco picnic:

Bespoke (Auckland) 10th of March

Bespoke hits Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter on the 10th of March. From noon til 6pm there will be market stalls, food, music, and fashion shows as local designers come together with the latest stylish cycles and accessories. Don’t miss out!

Line up:

1pm      Dalston fashion show
1.45pm Velociteers performance
2pm      KAF Kids fashion show
2.30pm Sitka fashion show
3pm       Kingdom Of. fashion show
3.15pm C-Unit – entertainment
3.30pm  Starfish fashion show
4.30pm  203H fashion show
5pm       Vintage on bikes

More info at

bepsoke website1-01